Researcher overseas/invited business

Based on businesses commissioned by the Japan Patent Office, the IIP dispatches Japanese researchers to overseas research institutes and also invites researchers from overseas, thereby conducting research on industrial property rights. "Invited" in the classification column refers to a researcher invited to our institute from overseas while "Overseas" therein refers to a researcher dispatched to an overseas research institute.

Researcher overseas/invited business (FY2024)

Classification Name/Affiliation Research Theme Research Period
Invited Laura VALTERE
Former doctorand, Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition, Germany
A Comparative Study on Bolar Exemption From July 23, 2024 until August 24, 2024
Professor, Intellectual Property Law Chair of Jagiellonian University, Poland
Patent Validity and Infringement Proceedings in the Context of Claim Interpretation Standards. A Comparative Study on Prosecution History Estoppel in Europe, the US, Asia and Japan. From August 1, 2024 until August 31, 2024

Foundation for Intellectual Property

The Association of Intellectual Property Education

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