Research and study business (FY2004)

Research and study conducted by IIP in FY 2004 is as follows. The reports(Japanese text) are available at the Institute of Intellectual Property Library.

Desirable Forms of Divisional Patent Application System and Patent Amendment System summary 
Desirable Ways to Examine and Implement Use Inventions summary 
Procedures for the Establishment and Transfer of Industrial Property Rights and Requirements for Such Rights to Have Effect against Third Parties in Major Countries and International Organizations summary 
Desirable Examination System for the Registration of Trademarks for Retailing as Service Marks and the Introduction of the Consent System summary 
Exceptions to and Limitation of the Effect of Patent Right summary 
Study on Promotion of Use of Patent-related Statistics summary 
Study on "Problems Concerning Creation, Protection, and Use of Intellectual Property in Universities" summary 
Foreign Situations of Overseas Design Protections summary 
Research and Study on Reinforcement of Protection of Intellectual Property Based on the Unfair Competition Prevention Law (Protection of Trade Secrets and Measures Against Counterfeit Goods and Pirated Copies) summary 
Practical Use of Intellectual Property in Small and Medium-sized Enterprises and Venture Companies summary 
