特許庁委託 産業財産権制度調和に係る共同研究調査事業
2023年度招へい研究者 研究成果報告会



日 時 2023年8月30日(水)10:25-12:00
題 目 “Liability for AI-Generated Designs under Japanese and EU Design law: A Comparative Analysis”
報告者 Hasan YILMAZTEKIN(ハサン・イルマステキン) 招へい研究者
会 場 Zoomによるオンライン報告会
定 員 60名(先着順)
参加費 無料


10:25 開会・主催者挨拶
10:30-11:40 “Liability for AI-Generated Designs under Japanese and EU Design law: A Comparative Analysis”
11:40-12:00 質疑応答
12:00 閉会


Artificial intelligence (AI) now infiltrates our culture. After a couple of difficult winters, AI today is a word on everybody’s lips, and it attracts everyone’s attention regardless of whether they are experts or not. What does AI that is on the everyone’s agenda mean?
When we think of the notion of AI, we generally tend to associate it with futuristic themes. For instance, science fiction depictions such as killer robots or human-friendly androids come to our minds. However, if we see AI as ‘the study of agents that exist in an environment and perceive and act,’ it is possible to consider it as a much broader field of science and technology and to talk about many applications that have an impact on our daily lives. From Apple’s Siri to Amazon’s Alexa, Tesla’s auto-driving cars to facial recognition systems in CCTV cameras, Netflix’s film offering services to Google’s search engine, we live in a world of AI goods.
The advent of AI-powered technologies increasingly affects people’s lives across the globe. As a tool for productivity and cost-efficiency, AI also shapes our economy and welfare. AI-assisted commercial industries are becoming more and more common. It is possible to see that AI increasingly plays an important role in diagnostic medicine, transportation, investment, therapy, intelligence, alternative dispute resolution, contracts, national defence, banking and many other similar fields. Substantial economic investments have been channelled into the development of these technologies.
There are various reasons that have paved the way for another spring for AI. Remarkable innovations have recently been made in the field of machine learning. The availability and the enormous volume of big data has facilitated the training of AI systems. The speed of computer processors has exponentially increased. Cloud storage systems offer huge areas to manage this data. Internet access is now much easier and faster.
However, AI does not come without any problems. The upsurge of these novel technologies is at the centre of public debate and policy considerations. Some segments of the society have vocally raised their concern that ‘robots are taking over.’
When we talk about AI-generated designs, we instead focus on the fruits of innovation –more best-selling apparels, more fashionable designs and more fulfilment of customer expectations – without paying heed to who the designer is. Designers invest a lot of talent, time and finances in designing and creating each article before they release their work to the public.
When only focussed on efficiency of AI systems, its full legal consequences in design industry are often forgotten. An AI device’s ability to generate designs raises the question of who will be liable for infringement deriving from use of third-party material in AI-generated designs. Will it be the designer who hires or contracts with the AI programmer? Will it be the programmer? Will it be the AI itself? Or will humans and computers be jointly liable?
This study examines the question of who would be held liable for AI-generated designs when they cause infringement within the context of EU and Japanese laws.


Hasan YILMAZTEKIN(ハサン・イルマステキン)氏






 一般財団法人知的財産研究教育財団 森田、石本
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 Tel:03-5281-5674  Fax:03-5281-5676
